Sportscaster Ralph Lawler poses with former and present Clippers players, including Chris Paul, after Lawler received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images)
Webmaster’s note: Mr. Lawler was kind enough, several years ago, to tape our lead back from commercial on our broadcast for Havenfootball.net. He was again very generous by taping three different versions for our Delcohoops.com, Game-of-the-Week lead when we began our basketball broadcasting three years ago. It is Mr. Lawler’s voice you hear on our Internet game broadcasts every time we return from a commercial break. Our hearty congratulations on this wonderful honor for his years of sports broadcasting!
By Ben Bolch, Los Angeles Times
Ralph Lawler first stood at the corner of Hollywood and Vine in the summer of 1946. He was only 8, having traveled from his family home in Peoria, Ill., to experience the Hollywood vibe because his father was a showman who would rise from usher to owner of several theaters.
Lawler returned to the spot in 1961 after graduating from college and taking a job with a radio station in Riverside owned by the legendary Dick Clark. He recognized the names of every star adorning the sidewalk on the fledgling Hollywood Walk of Fame, having essentially grown up in his father’s theaters.
Lawler came back once more Thursday, no longer the wide-eyed observer. He was the featured attraction.
“I had dreams and aspirations,” the longtime Clippers broadcaster told a throng of fans, “but I was never bold enough to dream that someday I’d be standing here today and get this star.”