Khamai Orange (above) scored 33 points in Delco Christian’s win. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)
By Josh Verlin
The hair-raising, nausea-inducing, panic-causing fourth quarter was all in the past by the time Khamai Orange was ready to reflect on Delco Christian’s first district title win since 2019. All of that melted away the instant the clock hit zero, the Knights erasing two years of February frustrations to the tone of the buzzer horn.
“This (was) our main focus,” the Knights’ senior guard said. “The BAL championship trophy is nice, but we wanted a banner.”
Delco Christian’s 61-59 win over Dock Mennonite in the District 1 2A championship game on Saturday was a measure of revenge. Dock beat Delco in that spot each of the last two seasons, Orange and his classmates in danger of graduating without a district title to their name.