Julian Wing (above) and Ridley are the defending Central League champions, a spot Lower Merion is familiar with. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)
By Aron Minkoff & Josh Verlin
Historically, Lower Merion has been the team with the target on their back, the first place squad that everyone is pursuing in the Central League standings.
That is not the case this year: rather than Lower Merion sitting atop the Central League standings, it is their Friday opponent, Ridley.
“This is the first time that we have been ahead of them in the standings since I have been the head coach now,” said Ridley coach Mike Snyder, who’s in his fifth year as head coach. “It is different this year from where we usually are, we are usually trying to chase them from the top spot so we just gotta be ready to play.”
(click on this link for the full preview of this and other games played tonight)