Rahmir Barno (above, in Dec.) and Imhotep survived a close call against Marple Newtown in the quarterfinals. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)
By Josh Verlin & Andrew Robinson
Chester vs. Imhotep (5A Boys)
Saturday (March 19) — Coatesville High School, 1 PM
Chester and Imhotep have tested each other over the years, the two local powerhouses — the longtime District 1 kings and the upstart Public League squad which became a national-level name — testing each other in a few December and January clashes, each prepared for their own postseason runs. For most of their shared existence, Chester was in the ‘big school’ classifications, Imhotep down at the 2A or 3A level, their PIAA futures never involving each other.
But the Panthers kept moving up classifications as Chester dropped from 6A to 5A, and now the two find themselves meeting for the first time in March. It’s the furthest thing from a tune-up.
“Those are totally different games,” Imhotep coach Andre Noble said, “and yeah, we’re looking forward to it.”
(click on this link for the full story and more PIAA playoff reviews)