Joe O’Malley (above) and Bishop Shanahan are back in the District 1 5A semifinals. (Photo: Tommy Smith/CoBL)
By Owen McCue
Every morning on his way to his first period class, Joe O’Malley passes a picture on the wall at Bishop Shanahan High School.
The photo is of the Eagles’ 1984-85 boys basketball team, which won the Class AA state title. Pictured with the 11 of other members of that year’s squad is O’Malley’s father, Michael O’Malley, who makes sure his son doesn’t walk by without taking a look.
“He tells me to look at it every morning just to rub it in,” O’Malley said. “Sometimes I glance at it and hope we can do that with this team.”
The legacy of O’Malley’s father is visible in the gym at Bishop Shanahan High School as well. His name is printed on the school’s banner recognizing its 1,000-point scorers. He totaled 1,082 points during his career. Right next to it, his name appears on the banner commemorating that 1984-85 championship squad.
(click on this link for the full story)
Webmaster’s note: The Chester vs Bishop Shanahan game is our Game-of-the-Week and can be heard LIVE this Wednesday on Delcohoops.com!