Notes on the 2020/21 Basketball Season

By Staff

As we approach the time for a new basketball season to begin we here at are going to do our best to keep all of our readers and fans informed.  Our web site will continue to follow high school basketball throughout Delaware County by attempting to publish schedules and links to articles.  

We have suspended our Game-of-the-Week broadcasts for this season.  Attendance at all games is extremely limited (parents of players only) and many schools have created free video streaming on You Tube in order for the community to view games.  We will try to provide a list of those home pages for easy reference.  However, our broadcast crew will find it almost impossible to receive permission to attend games and, rather than spend much time seeking permission which we believe will never come, we have chosen just to suspend broadcasts for this season.

We appreciate all your support and look forward to promoting this season as well as we can.