From left, Episcopal Academy’s Matt Dade, Haverford School’s Christian Ray and teammate Tyler Seward figure, here chasing a loose ball in a game last Friday, figure prominently among Delco’s stat leaders. (Pete Bannan/Digital First Media)
By Matthew DeGeorge
(Based on games reported to the Daily Times through Jan. 15; for questions or corrections, email mdegeorge@21st-centurymedia.com; Minimum half of team games played)
Scoring Average
Isaiah Wong, Bonner & Prendergast 25.8
Christian Ray, Haverford School 22.5
Vinny DeAngelo, Sun Valley 22.4
Matt Dade, Episcopal Academy 19.7
Karell Watkins, Chester 19.2
Malcolm Williams, Penncrest 18.3
Alex Capitano, Episcopal Academy 17.1
Greg Vlassopoulos, Garnet Valley 17.1
Tommy Gardler, Marple Newtown 16.7
Jamihy Evans, Chester Charter SA 16.0