Khalil White (above) had 16 of his 21 points after halftime in Cheltenham’s come-from-behind win over Penncrest. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)
By Josh Verlin
It’s not that Cheltenham head coach John Timms was happy about his team being down 15 at the half against Penncrest in the championship game of Penncrest’s holiday tournament.
After all, no head coach wants to see a team with high expectations thoroughly outplayed for an entire half like the Panthers were by the Lions over the opening 16 minutes.
But it was the exact kind of situation that Timms needed to see his team in, because he’s got the bigger picture–that is, a run in the District 1 tournament and beyond–on his mind.
“I’m preparing for districts, and if we get down 10 points in districts, which is very possible, how are we going to fight? Are we going to fold?” he’d been asking his assistants. “We got down 10 here, and I got exactly what I asked for.”
(click on this link for the full story)