Boys: Upper Darby set new bar in big win over Harriton

Yassir Joyner (above) had 25 points on 9-14 FG (4-4 FT) to lead the Royals. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)

By Josh Verlin

 Bob Miller has been at Upper Darby High School for nearly three decades. There isn’t much he hasn’t seen in his 28 years.

And yet the longtime Royals head coach was almost at a loss for words when it came to describing what he’d just seen his team do over the course of 32 minutes — especially over the first 24 of them — against Harriton in a Central League matchup on Saturday afternoon.

“I’m going to tell you, I don’t know if it’s the most [points] in my tenure, but I’ve never seen a team shoot like that [like we did] today,” he said, adding later that he thinks it might be his high-water mark, though he had to check. “We don’t always shoot it like that. But that was unreal.

“I told them at the end, I said I can’t wait to watch this on Hudl. Because you don’t have nights like this, ever.”

(click on this link for the full story)