Lorenzo Jerkins (above) has stepped up to fill the role left by Karell Watkins the last four years. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)
By Josh Verlin
Lorenzo Jerkins spent his freshman year watching, waiting, and learning.
The Chester High School sophomore forward joined the Clippers’ varsity squad in his first year in Keith Taylor’s program, but there was a major roadblock in his way. Karell Watkins, a four-year starter, was in the last year of his outstanding Chester career, steamrolling his way to more than 1,400 career points and multiple All-State honors.
Jerkins saw spare minutes throughout the year, scoring a grand total of 15 points. Watkins’ unending production — the 6-foot-4 forward averaged 23 points and 12 rebounds as a senior — prevented the youngster from getting much on-court varsity experience.
“I learned a lot from him, offensive-wise and defensive-wise to hustle on plays, never give up, and know your advantages,” Jerkins said, “and learn to play how you play every game — don’t play down to somebody else’s competition.”
While he was taking all that in, Jerkins was also plotting, planning to do more than just fill the void Watkins was to leave in the lineup upon his graduation.
(click on this link for the full story)