Boys: Jackson brothers’ final run starts with Roman Catholic’s win over Lower Merion

Senior wing Tate Perkins (above) scored a bucket in his final game. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)

By Josh Verlin

As a freshman, Shareef Jackson was the sixth man on Roman Catholic’s state championship squad. With at most four games left in his outstanding high school career, the Cahillites’ senior wants to end his time at Broad and Vine the way he started it: by going out on top. 

And he wants to do it with his brother, junior wing Sammy Jackson, right by his side.

“I’m not trying to play my last game with my brother as a loss,” Sammy Jackson said. “We talk about it sometimes but we just know in the back of our heads, we both know we’re thinking the same thing.”

The Jackson brothers made sure Roman took the first step towards that goal, as the Cahillites came into the Kobe Bryant Gymnasium and took out Lower Merion, 74-63 in the opening round of the PIAA 6A Tournament on Saturday afternoon. 

(click on this link for the full article)