Kaiden Robinson (above) and Sun Valley finished the regular season 18-4. (Photo: Josh Verlin/CoBL)
By Josh Verlin
Kaiden Robinson sat on the Sun Valley bench with more than six minutes to go in the regular-season finale against West Chester Rustin, his work done for the evening.
All the 6-foot-1 senior guard had to do was listen to the 150-or-so Sun Valley students who’d been loud all night long, but saved their best for last: “Ches-Mont champs,” they said, over and over.
What was going through his mind as he soaked it all in?
“We did it,” he said afterwards, then louder. “We did it.”
Surrounded by his Vanguards teammates in the hallway outside their home locker room, Robinson’s voice rose once more — WE DID IT — and they responded with a roar.